Last Lothian
I realized that if I could do well there, I could do well anywhere. I began to actively look for gigs. Carla was always there, taking photos, and networking. She was always around to lend a hand, setting up, tearing down, or instantaneously producing a pick when one flew out into the crowd.
It is the end of 2005. There will never be a year like this one for me. I look at all the places I’ve been, and things I’ve done. I look at all this equipment that I have. I think about all the wonderful friends I’ve made along the way. It’s truly amazing.
Well that’s only six milestones you may be thinking. The last was the demo CD.
I performed over 50 times in 2005, from small to large crowds. I’ve grown so much in the year. I will be sharing what I have learned with you as we progress in this series.